martedì 9 novembre 2010


"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, will make violent revolution inevitable" JFK

One child dies every FIVE SECONDS
US spends more on military than rest of the world combined
1.5 billion people live below the poverty line
DRINKING WATER for 70% global population runs short 2025
45'000 people DIE in the US every year because they don't have health care
that's 123 people EVERY DAY (dead)
we spend $1.8 billion in Iraq EACH WEEK
price of oil before war: $29/barrel
price of oil today: $74
42 million refugees worldwide uprooted by conflict
Exxon annual profit: $45.2 BILLION (spend 1% on renewable energy)
world seafood supply RUNS OUT: 2048
35 MILLION cows
117 MILLION pigs
10 BILLION chickens
amount of rainforest lost every year: 7000 square miles
polar ice caps: 9% every 10 years
30-50% of ALL species extint by mid-century (70% by 2100)
3 species now ANNIHILATED per hour
dirty water kills 6'000 children EVERY DAY
number of western gray whales left on earth: 100
only 23% of GOP believes in global warming
in evolution: 30%
immaculate conception: 94%
lifetime CO2 emissions from average car: 42 TONS
$4 per gallon
year oil production PEAKed: 1971
US= 25% of global CO2 emissions 
the health care industry spent $1.4 million EVERY DAY to defeat health care reform
total investments in MILITARY by members of CONGRESS: $150 MILLION
estimated number of rats in NYC: 96'000'000 (WALL STREET)
projected cost of Iraq War: $2 TRILLION
estimated number of cockroaches in Pentagon: 2'000'000
"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, will make violent revolution inevitable" JFK

 "Every Action Has A Reaction,We've Got One Planet, One Chance."
- Rise Against